Sunday, March 23, 2008


Do you have any dreams of walking in between the spreaded clouds? If so,your dream is going to be true. For this you need not go to foreign countries,perhaps its going to be built in the capital of SIKKAM, GANGTOK(INDIA).

The Grand Canyon Skywalk is a tourist attraction along the colorado river on the edge of the Grand Canyon , in America.Its about 4000 feet high above the ground,which was opened on March, 2007.People who are walking in this place,will feel like the clouds touches the face, which will be a different experience.

Now in India, tallest skywalk is going to be built by the Sikkam Government which will override Grand Canyon.From the capital of Sikkam,Gangtok at 56 kms distance, we have a peak mount named Balathunga.In this place only the Skywalk bridge is going to be built.From the deep sea level,at an height of 10,102 feet the skywalk is going to be built.Its covers 40kms distance.The walls and floor are built from glass 10.2 cm (4 inches) thick. The glass on both edges of the floor is tinted and can be used as a "safe zone" by scared visitors.

State Tourist Minister, Ram Bhagadur says,"For building the Skywalk bridge, South African architects have been suggested by the government".

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